Sr. No. |
Paper ID |
Paper Title |
Year |
Domain |
Download |
1. |
GCC00001 |
A Classification and Comparison Framework for Cloud Service Brokerage Architectures |
2016-17 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
2. |
GCC00002 |
A Clustering-Based Multi-Layer Distributed Ensemble for Neurological Diagnostics in Cloud Services |
2016-17 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
3. |
GCC00003 |
A Combinatorial Auction Mechanism for Multiple Resource Procurement in Cloud Computing |
2016-17 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
4. |
GCC00004 |
A Dynamical and Load-Balanced Flow Scheduling Approach for Big Data Centers in Clouds |
2016-17 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
5. |
GCC00005 |
A Hierarchical Correlation Model for Evaluating Reliability, Performance, and Power Consumption of a Cloud Service |
2016-17 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
6. |
GCC00006 |
A Multilevel Point-Cluster-Based Discriminative Feature for ALS Point Cloud Classification |
2016-17 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
7. |
GCC00007 |
A Protocol for Preventing Insider Attacks in Untrusted Infrastructure-as-a-Service Clouds |
2016-17 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
8. |
GCC00008 |
A Scalable Data Chunk Similarity based Compression Approach for Efficient Big Sensing Data Processing on Cloud |
2016-17 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
9. |
GCC00009 |
An Efficient File Hierarchy Attribute-Based Encryption Scheme in Cloud Computing |
2016-17 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
10. |
GCC00010 |
An Energy-Efficient VM Prediction and Migration Framework for Overcommitted Clouds |
2016-17 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
11. |
GCC00011 |
An Integrated Cloud-Based Smart Home Management System with Community Hierarchy |
2016-17 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
12. |
GCC00012 |
Animating Still Landscape Photographs Through Cloud Motion Creation |
2016-17 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
13. |
GCC00013 |
Auditing a Cloud Provider’s Compliance with Data Backup Requirements a Game Theoretical Analysis |
2016-17 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
14. |
GCC00014 |
Automated Detection of Three-Dimensional Cars in Mobile Laser Scanning Point Clouds Using DBM-Hough-Forests |
2016-17 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
15. |
GCC00015 |
Bandwidth Provisioning for Virtual Machine Migration in Cloud Strategy and Application |
2016-17 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
16. |
GCC00016 |
Beam Tests of Beam Pipe Coatings for Electron Cloud Mitigation in Fermi lab Main Injector |
2016-17 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
17. |
GCC00017 |
Business-driven Service Placement for Highly Dynamic and Distributed Cloud Systems |
2016-17 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
18. |
GCC00018 |
Cloud Customer’s Historical Record Based Resource Pricing |
2016-17 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
19. |
GCC00019 |
Cloud Radio Access Network Virtualizing Wireless Access for Dense Heterogeneous Systems |
2016-17 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
20. |
GCC00020 |
Cloud Removal Based on Sparse Representation via Multi temporal Dictionary Learning |
2016-17 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
21. |
GCC00021 |
Cloud-Based Information Infrastructure for Next-Generation Power Grid Conception, Architecture, and Applications |
2016-17 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
22. |
GCC00022 |
Cluster Content Caching an Energy-Efficient Approach to Improve Quality of Service in Cloud Radio Access Networks |
2016-17 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
23. |
GCC00023 |
Computing with Nearby Mobile Devices a Work Sharing Algorithm for Mobile Edge-Clouds |
2016-17 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
24. |
GCC00023 |
DAC-Mobi Data-Assisted Communications of Mobile Images with Cloud Computing Support |
2016-17 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
25. |
GCC00025 |
Decentralized and Energy-Efficient Workload Management in Enterprise Clouds |
2016-17 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
26. |
GCC00026 |
Dispersing Instant Social Video Service Across Multiple Clouds |
2016-17 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
27. |
GCC00027 |
DPcode Privacy-preserving Frequent Visual Patterns Publication on Cloud |
2016-17 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
28. |
GCC00028 |
Effective Modeling Approach for IaaS Data Center Performance Analysis under Heterogeneous Workload |
2016-17 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
29. |
GCC00029 |
Efficient R-Tree Based Indexing Scheme for Server-Centric Cloud Storage System |
2016-17 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
30 |
GCC00030 |
Energy Efficiency using Cloud Management of LTE Networks Employing Front haul and Virtualized Baseband Processing Pool |
2016-17 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
31 |
GCC00031 |
Energy-efficient Adaptive Resource Management for Real-time Vehicular Cloud Services |
2016-17 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
32 |
GCC00032 |
Energy-Efficient Resource Allocation Optimization for Multimedia Heterogeneous Cloud Radio Access Networks |
2016-17 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
33. |
GCC00033 |
Energy-Efficient Virtual Base Station Formation in Optical-Access-Enabled Cloud-RAN |
2016-17 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
34. |
GCC00034 |
Ensuring cloud data reliability with minimum replication by proactive replica checking |
2016-17 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
35. |
GCC00035 |
Exploiting Workload Characteristics and Service Diversity to Improve the Availability of Cloud Storage Systems |
2016-17 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
36. |
GCC00036 |
Follow-Me Cloud When Cloud Services Follow Mobile Users |
2016-17 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
37. |
GCC00037 |
Fore Visor: A Tool for Acquiring and Preserving Reliable Data in Cloud Live Forensics |
2016-17 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
38. |
GCC00038 |
Frame Interpolation for Cloud-Based Mobile Video Streaming |
2016-17 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
39. |
GCC00039 |
Guest Editorial Special Issue on Cloud Computing for IoT |
2016-17 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
40. |
GCC00040 |
Guest Editorial Cloud-Based Video Processing and Content Sharing |
2016-17 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
41. |
GCC00041 |
Hybrid Tree-rule Firewall for High Speed Data Transmission |
2016-17 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
42. |
GCC00042 |
Joint Energy Minimization and Resource Allocation in C-RAN with Mobile Cloud |
2016-17 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
43. |
GCC00043 |
Kriging-based Self-Adaptive Cloud Controllers |
2016-17 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
44. |
GCC00044 |
Layered Coding for Mobile Cloud Gaming Using Scalable Blinn-Phong Lighting |
2016-17 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
45. |
GCC00045 |
Middleware-oriented Deployment Automation for Cloud Applications |
2016-17 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
46. |
GCC00046 |
Migration Towards Cloud-Assisted Live Media Streaming |
2016-17 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
47. |
GCC00047 |
Mobile Cloud Support for Semantic-enriched Speech Recognition in Social Care |
2016-17 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
48. |
GCC00048 |
Model-Driven Development Patterns for Mobile Services in Cloud of Things |
2016-17 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
49. |
GCC00049 |
Modular AWG-based Interconnection for Large-Scale Data Center Networks |
2016-17 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
50. |
GCC00050 |
Non-intrusive Anomaly Detection with Streaming Performance Metrics and Logs for DevOps in Public Clouds a Case Study in AWS |
2016-17 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
51. |
GCC00051 |
On Achieving Energy Efficiency and Reducing CO2 Footprint in Cloud Computing |
2016-17 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
52. |
GCC00052 |
On Data-Driven Delay Estimation for Media Cloud |
2016-17 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
53. |
GCC00053 |
Optimal Joint Scheduling and Cloud Offloading for Mobile Applications |
2016-17 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
54. |
GCC00054 |
Optimizing Live Migration of Multiple Virtual Machines |
2016-17 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
55. |
GCC00055 |
Towards Building Forensics Enabled Cloud Through Secure Logging-as-a-Service |
2016-17 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
56. |
GCC00056 |
Performance Limitations of a Text Search Application Running in Cloud Instances |
2016-17 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
57. |
GCC00057 |
Performance-Aware Cloud Resource Allocation via Fitness-enabled Auction |
2016-17 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
58. |
GCC00058 |
Pervasive Cloud Controller for Geotemporal Inputs |
2016-17 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
59. |
GCC00059 |
PHE an Efficient Traitor Tracing and Revocation for Encrypted File Syncing-and-Sharing in Cloud |
2016-17 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
60. |
GCC00060 |
Resource Allocation in Cloud Computing Using the Uncertainty Principle of Game Theory |
2016-17 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
61. |
GCC00061 |
Price-Sensitivity Aware Load Balancing for Geographically Distributed Internet Data Centers in Smart Grid Environment |
2016-17 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
62. |
GCC00062 |
Prioritization of Overflow Tasks to Improve Performance of Mobile Cloud |
2016-17 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
63. |
GCC00063 |
Providing User Security Guarantees in Public Infrastructure Clouds |
2016-17 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
64. |
GCC00064 |
Queue-Aware Energy-Efficient Joint Remote Radio Head Activation and Beamforming in Cloud Radio Access Networks |
2016-17 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
65. |
GCC00065 |
Resource Allocation with Video Traffic Prediction in Cloud-based Space Systems |
2016-17 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
66. |
GCC00066 |
Restoration in Optical Cloud Networks with Relocation and Services Differentiation |
2016-17 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
67. |
GCC00067 |
Robust Segmentation for Large Volumes of Laser Scanning Three-Dimensional Point Cloud Data |
2016-17 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
68. |
GCC00068 |
Scaling Cloud Attenuation Statistics with Link Elevation in Earth-Space Applications |
2016-17 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
69. |
GCC00069 |
SDN-based Virtual Machine Management for Cloud Data Centers |
2016-17 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
70. |
GCC00070 |
Secure Data Deduplication with Dynamic Ownership Management in Cloud Storage |
2016-17 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
71. |
GCC00071 |
Securing Services in Networked Cloud Infrastructures |
2016-17 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
72. |
GCC00072 |
Segmented In-advance Data Analytics for Fast Scientific Discovery |
2016-17 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
73. |
GCC00073 |
Selective Mobile Cloud Offloading to Augment Multi-Persona Performance and Viability |
2016-17 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
74. |
GCC00074 |
Self-Tuning Service Provisioning for Decentralized Cloud Application |
2016-17 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
75. |
GCC00075 |
Time-domain Attribute-based Access Control for Cloud-based Video Content Sharing a Cryptographic Approach |
2016-17 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
76. |
GCC00076 |
Towards achieving Data Security with the Cloud Computing Adoption Framework |
2016-17 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
77. |
GCC00077 |
Towards Beneficial Transformation of Enterprise Workloads to Hybrid Clouds |
2016-17 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
78. |
GCC00078 |
Towards Cost-Efficient Content Placement in Media Cloud Modeling and Analysis |
2016-17 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
79. |
GCC00079 |
Training Design for Channel Estimation in Uplink Cloud Radio Access Networks |
2016-17 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
80. |
GCC00080 |
Trust is Good, Control is Better Creating Secure Clouds by Continuous Auditing |
2016-17 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
81. |
GCC00081 |
Using Proactive Fault-Tolerance Approach to Enhance Cloud Service Reliability |
2016-17 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
82. |
GCC00082 |
Video Stream Analysis in Clouds an Object Detection and Classification Framework for High Performance Video Analytics |
2016-17 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
83. |
GCC00083 |
Visual Analysis of Cloud Computing Performance Using Behavioral Lines |
2016-17 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
84. |
GCC00090 |
Privacy-Preserving Public Auditing for Regenerating-Code-Based Cloud Storage |
2015-16 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
85. |
GCC000891 |
Public Integrity Auditing for Dynamic Data Sharing with Multi-User Modification |
2015-16 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
86. |
GCC00092 |
Reactive Resource Provisioning Heuristics for Dynamic Data flows on Cloud Infrastructure |
2015-16 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
87. |
GCC00093 |
SAE: Toward Efficient Cloud Data Analysis Service for Large-Scale Social Networks |
2015-16 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
88. |
GCC00094 |
Secure Distributed Deduplication Systems with Improved Reliability |
2015-16 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
89. |
GCC00095 |
Service Operator-aware Trust Scheme for Resource Matchmaking across Multiple Clouds |
2015-16 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
90. |
GCC00096 |
Towards Optimized Fine-Grained Pricing of IaaS Cloud Platform |
2015-16 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
91. |
GCC00097 |
Understanding the Performance and Potential of Cloud Computing for Scientific Applications |
2015-16 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
92. |
GCC00098 |
Control Cloud Data Access Privilege and Anonymity with Fully Anonymous Attribute-Based Encryption |
2015-16 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
93. |
GCC00099 |
Data Lineage in Malicious Environments |
2015-16 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
94. |
GCC00100 |
Enabling Cloud Storage Auditing with Key-Exposure Resistance |
2015-16 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
95. |
GCC00101 |
Knowledge Sharing in the Online Social Network of Yahoo! Answers and Its Implications |
2015-16 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
96. |
GCC00102 |
My Privacy My Decision: Control of Photo Sharing on Online Social Networks |
2015-16 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
97. |
GCC00103 |
Privacy-Preserving Public Auditing for Regenerating-Code-Based Cloud Storage |
2015-16 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
98. |
GCC00104 |
Smart Crawler: A Two-stage Crawler for Efficiently Harvesting Deep-Web Interfaces |
2015-16 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
99. |
GCC00105 |
CHARM: A Cost-efficient Multi-Cloud Data Hosting Scheme with High Availability |
2015-16 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
100. |
GCC00106 |
Audit-Free Cloud Storage via Deniable Attribute-based Encryption |
2015-16 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
101. |
GCC00107 |
Combining Efficiency, Fidelity, and Flexibility in Resource Information Services |
2015-16 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
102. |
GCC00108 |
Control Cloud Data Access Privilege and Anonymity with Fully Anonymous Attribute-Based Encryption |
2015-16 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
103. |
GCC00109 |
Enabling Cloud Storage Auditing with Key-Exposure Resistance |
2015-16 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
104. |
GCC00110 |
Energy-aware Load Balancing and Application Scaling for the Cloud Ecosystem |
2015-16 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
105. |
GCC00111 |
Entity Linking with a Knowledge Base: Issues, Techniques, and Solutions |
2015-16 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
106. |
GCC00112 |
Innovative Schemes for Resource Allocation in the Cloud for Media Streaming Applications |
2015-16 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
107. |
GCC00113 |
OPoR: Enabling Proof of Retrievability in Cloud Computing with Resource-Constrained Devices |
2015-16 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
108. |
GCC00114 |
Privacy-Preserving Public Auditing for Regenerating-Code-Based Cloud Storage |
2015-16 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
109. |
GCC00115 |
A Profit Maximization Scheme with Guaranteed Quality of Service in Cloud Computing |
2015-16 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
110. |
GCC00116 |
Reactive Resource Provisioning Heuristics for Dynamic Data flows on Cloud Infrastructure |
2015-16 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
111. |
GCC00117 |
Secure Distributed Deduplication Systems with Improved Reliability |
2015-16 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
112. |
GCC00118 |
Service Operator-aware Trust Scheme for Resource Matchmaking across Multiple Clouds |
2015-16 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
113. |
GCC00119 |
Smart Crawler: A Two-stage Crawler for Efficiently Harvesting Deep-Web Interfaces |
2015-16 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
114. |
GCC00120 |
Social Cloud Computing: An Opportunity for Technology Enhanced Competence Based Learning |
2015-16 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
115. |
GCC00121 |
Towards Optimized Fine-Grained Pricing of IaaS Cloud Platform |
2015-16 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
116. |
GCC00122 |
Understanding the Performance and Potential of Cloud Computing for Scientific Applications |
2015-16 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
117. |
GCC00123 |
Entity Linking with a Knowledge Base Issues, Techniques, and Solutions |
2015-16 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
118. |
GCC00124 |
A Hybrid Cloud Approach for Secure Authorized Deduplication |
2015-16 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
119. |
GCC00125 |
A Scalable Two-Phase Top-Down Specialization Approach for Data Anonymization Using Map Reduce on Cloud |
2015-16 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
120. |
GCC00126 |
A Stochastic Model to Investigate Data Center Performance and QoS in IaaS Cloud Computing Systems |
2015-16 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
121. |
GCC00127 |
Building Confidential and Efficient Query Services in the Cloud with RASP Data Perturbation |
2015-16 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
122. |
GCC00128 |
Decentralized Access Control with Anonymous Authentication of Data Stored in Clouds |
2015-16 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
123. |
GCC00129 |
Distributed, Concurrent, and Independent Access to Encrypted Cloud Databases |
2015-16 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
124. |
GCC00130 |
Expressive, Efficient, and Revocable Data Access Control for Multi-Authority Cloud Storage |
2015-16 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
125. |
GCC00131 |
Key-Aggregate Cryptosystem for Scalable Data Sharing in Cloud Storage |
2015-16 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
126. |
GCC00132 |
Oruta: Privacy-Preserving Public Auditing for Share D Data in the Cloud |
2015-16 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
127. |
GCC00133 |
PACK: Prediction-Based Cloud Bandwidth and Cost Reduction System |
2015-16 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
128. |
GCC00134 |
Privacy-Preserving Multi-Keyword Ranked Search over Encrypted Cloud Data |
2015-16 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
129. |
GCC00135 |
Scalable Distributed Service Integrity Attestation for Software-as-a-Service Clouds |
2015-16 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
130. |
GCC00136 |
Towards Differential Query Services in Cost-Efficient Clouds |
2015-16 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
131. |
GCC00137 |
Balancing Performance, Accuracy, and Precision for Secure Cloud Transactions |
2015-16 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
132. |
GCC00138 |
Building Confidential and Efficient Query Services in the Cloud with RASP Data Perturbation |
2015-16 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
133. |
GCC00139 |
Consistency as a Service: Auditing Cloud Consistency |
2015-16 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
134. |
GCC00140 |
Decentralized Access Control with Anonymous Authentication of Data Stored in Clouds |
2015-16 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
135. |
GCC00141 |
Distributed, Concurrent, and Independent Access to Encrypted Cloud Databases |
2015-16 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
136. |
GCC00142 |
Enabling Data Integrity Protection in Regenerating-Coding-Based Cloud Storage: Theory and Implementation |
2015-16 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
137. |
GCC00143 |
Identity-Based Distributed Provable Data Possession in Multi-Cloud Storage |
2015-16 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
138. |
GCC00144 |
Key-Aggregate Cryptosystem for Scalable Data Sharing in Cloud Storage |
2015-16 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
139. |
GCC00145 |
Panda: Public Auditing for Shared Data with Efficient User Revocation in the Cloud |
2015-16 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
140. |
GCC00146 |
Privacy-Preserving Multi-Keyword Ranked Search over Encrypted Cloud Data |
2015-16 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
141. |
GCC00147 |
Scalable Distributed Service Integrity Attestation for Software-as-a-Service Clouds |
2015-16 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
142. |
GCC00148 |
A New Algorithm for Inferring User Search Goals with Feedback Sessions. |
2015-16 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
143. |
GCC00149 |
Toward Fine-Grained, Unsupervised, Scalable Performance |
2015-16 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
144. |
GCC00151 |
Towards Secure Multi-Keyword Top-k Retrieval over Encrypted Cloud Data. |
2015-16 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
145. |
GCC00152 |
A Privacy Leakage Upper Bound Constraint-Based Approach for Cost-Effective Privacy Preserving of Intermediate Data Sets in Cloud. |
2015-16 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
146. |
GCC00153 |
Mona: Secure Multi-Owner Data Sharing for Dynamic Groups in the Cloud. |
2015-16 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
147. |
GCC00154 |
CAM: Cloud-Assisted Privacy Preserving Mobile Cloud Storage. |
2015-16 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
148. |
GCC00155 |
QoS Ranking Prediction for Cloud Services Scalable and Secure Sharing of Personal Health Records in Cloud. |
2015-16 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
149. |
GCC00157 |
A Log-based Approach to Make Digital Forensics Easier on Cloud Computing |
2015-16 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
150. |
GCC00158 |
Attribute-Based Access to Scalable Media in Cloud-Assisted Content Sharing Networks. |
2015-16 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
151. |
GCC00159 |
CloudFTP: A Case Study of Migrating Traditional Applications to the Cloud. |
2015-16 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
152. |
GCC00160 |
Privacy Preserving Delegated Access Control in Public Clouds. |
2015-16 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
153. |
GCC00161 |
A Stochastic Model to Investigate Data Center Performance and QoS in IaaS Cloud Computing Systems |
2015-16 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
154. |
GCC00162 |
CloudMoV: Cloud-based Mobile Social TV. |
2015-16 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
155. |
GCC00163 |
Dynamic Resource Allocation Using Virtual Machines for Cloud Computing Environment. |
2015-16 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
156. |
GCC00168 |
PACK: Prediction-Based Cloud Bandwidth and Cost Reduction System. |
2015-16 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
157. |
GCC00169 |
Privacy-Preserving Public Auditing for Secure Cloud Storage. |
2015-16 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
158. |
GCC00171 |
Enabling Dynamic Data and Indirect Mutual Trust for Cloud Computing Storage Systems. |
2015-16 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
159. |
GCC00173 |
Load Rebalancing for Distributed File Systems in Clouds |
2015-16 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
160. |
GCC00174 |
Privacy Preserving Delegated Access Control in Public Clouds. |
2015-16 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
161. |
GCC00175 |
Optimizing Cloud Resources for Delivering IPTV Services Through Virtualization. |
2015-16 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
162. |
GCC00176 |
Efficient Security Solution for Privacy-Preserving Cloud Services. |
2015-16 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
163. |
GCC00177 |
Fault Tolerance Management in Cloud Computing a System-Level Perspective. |
2015-16 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
164. |
GCC00178 |
Supporting the Migration of Applications to the Cloud through a Decision Support System. |
2015-16 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
165. |
GCC00180 |
Framework of Data Integrity for Cross Cloud Environment Using CPDP Scheme. |
2015-16 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
166. |
GCC00181 |
Privacy-Assured Outsourcing of Image Reconstruction Service in Cloud. |
2015-16 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
167. |
GCC00182 |
A Log-based Approach to Make Digital Forensics Easier on Cloud Computing. |
2015-16 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
168. |
GCC00183 |
Outsourcing Privacy-Preserving Social Networks to a Cloud. |
2015-16 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
169. |
GCC00184 |
AMES-Cloud: A Framework of Adaptive Mobile Video Streaming and Efficient Social Video Sharing in the Clouds. |
2015-16 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
170. |
GCC00185 |
Mining Contracts for Business Events and Temporal Constraints in Service Engagements. |
2015-16 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
171. |
GCC00186 |
Collaboration in Multi cloud Computing Environments: Framework and Security Issues. |
2015-16 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
172. |
GCC00188 |
Cost-Effective Authentic and Anonymous Data Sharing with Forward Security |
2015-16 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
173. |
GCC00189 |
Guest Editorial: Recommendation Techniques for Services Computing and Cloud Computing |
2015-16 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
174. |
GCC00190 |
Mob Context: A Context-aware Cloud-Based Venue Recommendation Framework |
2015-16 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
175. |
GCC00192 |
On the Security of Data Access Control for Multi authority Cloud Storage Systems |
2015-16 |
Cloud computing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
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