Secure Computing

Sr. No. Paper ID Paper Title Year Domain Download
1. GSC00001 Security Optimization of Dynamic Networks with Probabilistic Graph Modeling and Linear Programming 2016-17 SECURE COMPUTING [sociallocker][/sociallocker]
2. GSC00002 Data Lineage in Malicious Environments 2016-17 SECURE COMPUTING [sociallocker][/sociallocker]
3. GSC00003 Key Indistinguishability vs. Strong Key Indistinguishability for Hierarchical Key Assignment Schemes 2016-17 SECURE COMPUTING [sociallocker][/sociallocker]
4. GSC00004 An Access Control Model for Online Social Networks Using User-to-User Relationships 2016-17 SECURE COMPUTING [sociallocker][/sociallocker]
5. GSC00005 FRoDO: Fraud Resilient Device for Off-line micro-payments 2016-17 SECURE COMPUTING [sociallocker][/sociallocker]
6. GSC00006 Achieving Flatness: Selecting the Honey words from Existing User Passwords 2015-16 SECURE COMPUTING [sociallocker][/sociallocker]
7. GSC00007 Assessing the Effectiveness of Moving Target Defenses using Security Models 2015-16 SECURE COMPUTING [sociallocker][/sociallocker]
8. GSC00008 Group Key Agreement with Local Connectivity 2015-16 SECURE COMPUTING [sociallocker][/sociallocker]
9. GSC00009 Secure Auditing and deduplication Data in Cloud 2015-16 SECURE COMPUTING [sociallocker][/sociallocker]
10. GSC00010 Enabling Fine-grained Multi-Keyword Search Supporting Classified Sub-dictionaries over Encrypted Cloud Data 2015-16 SECURE COMPUTING [sociallocker][/sociallocker]
11. GSC00011 Leveraging Strategic Detection Techniques for Smart Home Pricing Cyberattacks 2015-16 SECURE COMPUTING [sociallocker][/sociallocker]
12. GSC00012 Towards Building Forensics Enabled Cloud Through Secure Logging-as-a-Service 2015-16 SECURE COMPUTING [sociallocker][/sociallocker]
13. GSC00013 Password Extraction via Reconstructed Wireless Mouse Trajectory 2015-16 SECURE COMPUTING [sociallocker][/sociallocker]
14. GSC00014 Measuring the Influence of Perceived Cybercrime Risk on Online Service Avoidance 2016-17 SECURE COMPUTING [sociallocker][/sociallocker]
15. GSC00015 A Support Vector Machine-based Framework for Detection of Covert Timing Channels 2016-17 SECURE COMPUTING [sociallocker][/sociallocker]
16. GSC00016 A Provenance-aware Access Control Framework with Typed Provenance 2016-17 SECURE COMPUTING [sociallocker][/sociallocker]
17. GSC00017 Achieving Simple, Secure and Efficient Hierarchical Access Control in Cloud Computing 2016-17 SECURE COMPUTING [sociallocker][/sociallocker]
18. GSC00018 Cloning your Gadgets: Complete ROP Attack Immunity with Multi-Variant Execution 2016-17 SECURE COMPUTING [sociallocker][/sociallocker]
19. GSC00019 Secure Optimization Computation Outsourcing in Cloud Computing: A Case Study of Linear Programming 2016-17 SECURE COMPUTING [sociallocker][/sociallocker]
20. GSC00020 Malware Detection in Cloud Computing Infrastructures 2016-17 SECURE COMPUTING [sociallocker][/sociallocker]
21. GSC00021 Vote Trust: Leveraging Friend Invitation Graph to Defend against Social Network Sybil’s 2016-17 SECURE COMPUTING [sociallocker][/sociallocker]
22. GSC00022 Privacy Protection for Wireless Medical Sensor Data 2016-17 SECURE COMPUTING [sociallocker][/sociallocker]
23. GSC00023 Towards Building Forensics Enabled Cloud Through Secure Logging-as-a-Service 2016-17 SECURE COMPUTING [sociallocker][/sociallocker]
24. GSC00024 Designing Secure and Dependable Mobile Sensing Mechanisms with Revenue Guarantees 2016-17 SECURE COMPUTING [sociallocker][/sociallocker]
25. GSC00025 Inference Attack on Browsing History of Twitter Users using Public Click Analytics and Twitter Metadata 2015-16 SECURE COMPUTING [sociallocker][/sociallocker]
26. GSC00026 netCSI: A Generic Fault Diagnosis Algorithm for Large-Scale Failures in Computer Networks 2015-16 SECURE COMPUTING [sociallocker][/sociallocker]
27. GSC00027 Secure and Robust Multi-Constrained QoS aware Routing Algorithm for VANETs 2015-16 SECURE COMPUTING [sociallocker][/sociallocker]
28. GSC00028 Captcha as Graphical Passwords—A New Security Primitive Based on Hard AI Problems 2015-16 SECURE COMPUTING
29. GSC00029 Efficient and Privacy-Aware Data Aggregation in Mobile Sensing 2015-16 SECURE COMPUTING
30. GSC00030 PROFILR: Toward Preserving Privacy and Functionality in Geosocial Networks 2015-16 SECURE COMPUTING
31. GSC00031 Top-k Query Result Completeness Verification in Tiered Sensor Networks 2015-16 SECURE COMPUTING
32. GSC00032 Twitsper: Tweeting Privately. 2015-16 SECURE COMPUTING
33. GSC00033 Secure Encounter-based Mobile Social Networks: Requirements, Designs, and Tradeoffs. 2015-16 SECURE COMPUTING [sociallocker][/sociallocker]
34. GSC00034 Combining Cryptographic Primitives to Prevent Jamming Attacks in Wireless Networks. 2015-16 SECURE COMPUTING
35. GSC00035 Personalized QoS-Aware Web Service Recommendation and Visualization. 2015-16 SECURE COMPUTING
36. GSC00036 Privacy-Enhanced Web Service Composition Whole Test Suite Generation. 2015-16 SECURE COMPUTING
37. GSC00037 A Decentralized Service Discovery Approach on Peer-to-Peer Networks. 2015-16 SECURE COMPUTING
38. GSC00038 WARNINGBIRD: A Near Real-time Detection System for Suspicious URLs in Twitter Stream. 2015-16 SECURE COMPUTING
39. GSC00039 SORT: A Self-Organizing Trust Model for Peer-to-Peer Systems. 2015-16 SECURE COMPUTING
40. GSC00040 Identity-Based Secure Distributed Data Storage Schemes. 2015-16 SECURE COMPUTING
41. GSC00041 NICE: Network Intrusion Detection and Countermeasure Selection in Virtual Network Systems. 2015-16 SECURE COMPUTING
42. GSC00042 Modeling the Pairwise Key Predistribution Scheme in the Presence of Unreliable Links. 2015-16 SECURE COMPUTING
43. GSC00043 Privacy Preserving Data Sharing with Anonymous ID Assignment. 2015-16 SECURE COMPUTING
44. GSC00044 Securing Class Initialization in Java-like Languages. 2015-16 SECURE COMPUTING
45. GSC00045 Security Analysis of a Single Sign-On Mechanism for Distributed Computer Networks. 2015-16 SECURE COMPUTING
46. GSC00046 Modeling the Pairwise Key Predistribution Scheme in the Presence of Unreliable Links. 2015-16 SECURE COMPUTING
47. GSC00047 Enforcing Secure and Privacy-Preserving Information Brokering in Distributed Information Sharing. 2015-16 SECURE COMPUTING
48. GSC00048 EAACK—A Secure Intrusion-Detection System for MANETs. 2015-16 SECURE COMPUTING
49. GSC00049 A Rank Correlation Based Detection against Distributed Reflection DoS Attacks. 2015-16 SECURE COMPUTING
50. GSC00050 Minimum Cost Blocking Problem in Multi-path Wireless Routing Protocols. 2015-16 SECURE COMPUTING
51. GSC00051 Secure Encounter-based Mobile Social Networks Requirements Designs and Tradeoffs 2015-16 SECURE COMPUTING
52. GSC00052 Two tales of privacy in online social networks 2015-16 SECURE COMPUTING [sociallocker][/sociallocker]
53. GSC00053 Extracting Spread-Spectrum Hidden Data from Digital Media 2015-16 SECURE COMPUTING [sociallocker][/sociallocker]
54. GSC00054 Utility-Privacy Tradeoff in Databases : an Information-theoretic Approach 2015-16 SECURE COMPUTING [sociallocker][/sociallocker]
55. GSC00055 TrPF A Trajectory Privacy-Preserving Framework for Participatory Sensing 2015-16 SECURE COMPUTING [sociallocker][/sociallocker]
56. GSC00056 Craigslist Scams and Community Composition Investigating Online Fraud Victimization 2015-16 SECURE COMPUTING [sociallocker][/sociallocker]
57. GSC00057 Securing Online Reputation Systems through Dumpster-Shafer Theory based Trust Model 2015-16 SECURE COMPUTING [sociallocker][/sociallocker]
58. GSC00058 Towards Secure Multi-Keyword Top-k Retrieval over Encrypted Cloud Data 2015-16 SECURE COMPUTING [sociallocker][/sociallocker]
59. GSC00059 Efficiently Outsourcing Multiparty Computation under Multiple Keys 2015-16 SECURE COMPUTING [sociallocker][/sociallocker]
60. GSC00060 Security Using Colors and Armstrong Numbers 2015-16 SECURE COMPUTING [sociallocker][/sociallocker]
61. GSC00061 On Inference-Proof View Processing of XML Documents 2015-16 SECURE COMPUTING [sociallocker][/sociallocker]
62. GSC00062 A Simple Text-Based Shoulder Surfing Resistant Graphical Password Scheme 2015-16 SECURE COMPUTING [sociallocker][/sociallocker]
63. GSC00063 Privacy Preserving Data Analytics for Smart Homes 2015-16 SECURE COMPUTING [sociallocker][/sociallocker]
64. GSC00064 Securing Online Reputation Systems Through Trust Modeling and Temporal Analysis 2015-16 SECURE COMPUTING [sociallocker][/sociallocker]
65. GSC00065 Security and Privacy-Enhancing Multi-cloud Architectures 2015-16 SECURE COMPUTING
66. GSC00066 Non-Cooperative Location Privacy 2015-16 SECURE COMPUTING [sociallocker][/sociallocker]
67. GSC00067 Enforcing Secure and Privacy-Preserving Information Brokering in Distributed Information Sharing 2015-16 SECURE COMPUTING [sociallocker][/sociallocker]
68. GSC00068 Reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted Images by Reserving Room Before Encryption 2015-16 SECURE COMPUTING [sociallocker][/sociallocker]
69. GSC00069 An Efficient and Provably-Secure Coercion-Resistant E-Voting Protocol 2015-16 SECURE COMPUTING [sociallocker][/sociallocker]
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