Natrual Language Processing


Sr. No. Paper ID Paper Title Year NLP Download
1. GNLP00001 Emotionally-Relevant Features for Classification and Regression of Music Lyrics 2016-17 NLP [sociallocker][/sociallocker]
2. GNLP00002 Learning Semantic Hierarchies: A Continuous Vector Space Approach 2016-17 NLP [sociallocker][/sociallocker]
3. GNLP00003 Rapid Language Identification 2016-17 NLP [sociallocker][/sociallocker]
4. GNLP00004 Sentence Compression for Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis 2016-17 NLP [sociallocker][/sociallocker]
5. GNLP00005 Exponential Language Modelling Using Morphological Features and Multi-Task Learning 2016-17 NLP [sociallocker][/sociallocker]
6. GNLP00006 A Two-pass Framework of Mispronunciation Detection & Diagnosis for Computer-aided Pronunciation Training 2015-16 NLP [sociallocker][/sociallocker]
7. GNLP00007 Computationally Efficient and Noise Robust DOA and Pitch Estimation 2015-16 NLP [sociallocker][/sociallocker]
8. GNLP00008 Efficient Implementation of Global Variance Compensation for Parametric Speech Synthesis 2015-16 NLP [sociallocker][/sociallocker]
9. GNLP00009 Improving Mandarin Prosody Generation Using Alternative Smoothing Techniques 2015-16 NLP [sociallocker][/sociallocker]
10. GNLP00010 An IR-based Approach Utilising Query Expansion for Plagiarism Detection in MEDLINE 2015-16 NLP [sociallocker][/sociallocker]
11. GNLP00011 Error Analysis in an Automated Narrative Information Extraction Pipeline 2015-16 NLP [sociallocker][/sociallocker]
12. GNLP00012 Visualizing Social Media Content with SentenTree 2015-16 NLP [sociallocker][/sociallocker]
13. GNLP00013 A Linguistic Approach to Categorical Color Assignment for Data Visualization 2015-16 NLP [sociallocker][/sociallocker]
14. GNLP00014 Syntactic and Semantic Features For Code-Switching Factored Language Models 2015-16 NLP [sociallocker][/sociallocker]
15. GNLP00015 Adequacy–Fluency Metrics Evaluating MT in the Continuous Space Model Framework 2015-16 NLP [sociallocker][/sociallocker]
16. GNLP00016 An IR-based Approach Utilising Query Expansion for Plagiarism Detection in MEDLINE 2015-16 NLP [sociallocker][/sociallocker]
17. GNLP00017 Automated Checking of Conformance to Requirements Templates using Natural Language Processing 2015-16 NLP [sociallocker][/sociallocker]
18. GNLP00018 Automatic Chinese Factual Question Generation 2015-16 NLP [sociallocker][/sociallocker]
19. GNLP00019 Automating Risk of Bias Assessment for Clinical Trials 2015-16 NLP [sociallocker][/sociallocker]
20. GNLP00020 Adequacy–Fluency Metrics: Evaluating MT in the Continuous Space Model Framework 2015-16 NLP [sociallocker][/sociallocker]
21. GNLP00021 Solving a Complex Language Game by using Knowledge-based Word Associations Discovery 2015-16 NLP [sociallocker][/sociallocker]
22. GNLP00022 i-Vector Modelling of Speech Attributes for Automatic Foreign Accent Recognition 2015-16 NLP [sociallocker][/sociallocker]
23. GNLP00023 Optimizing Instance Selection for Statistical Machine Translation with Feature Decay Algorithms 2015-16 NLP [sociallocker][/sociallocker]
24. GNLP00024 GPstruct: Bayesian Structured Prediction Using Gaussian Processes 2015-16 NLP [sociallocker][/sociallocker]
25. GNLP00025 Combination of Language Models for Word Prediction: An Exponential Approach 2015-16 NLP [sociallocker][/sociallocker]
26. GNLP00026 An Empirical Investigation of Word Class-Based Features for Natural Language Understanding 2015-16 NLP [sociallocker][/sociallocker]
27. GNLP00027 SPIRIT: A Tree Kernel-based Method for Topic Person Interaction Detection 2015-16 NLP [sociallocker][/sociallocker]
28. GNLP00028 Distributed Feature Representations for Dependency Parsing 2015-16 NLP [sociallocker][/sociallocker]
29. GNLP00029 Hierarchical Pitman–Yor–Dirichlet Language Model 2015-16 NLP [sociallocker][/sociallocker]
30. GNLP00030 Bayesian Recurrent Neural Network for Language Modelling 2015-16 NLP [sociallocker][/sociallocker]
31. GNLP00031 Detecting Predatory Behaviour in Game Chats 2015-16 NLP [sociallocker][/sociallocker]
32. GNLP00032 A Deep Generative Architecture for Post filtering in Statistical Parametric Speech Synthesis 2015-16 NLP [sociallocker][/sociallocker]
33. GNLP00033 Extractive Broadcast News Summarization Leveraging Recurrent Neural Network Language Modelling Techniques 2015-16 NLP [sociallocker][/sociallocker]
34. GNLP00034 Combination of Language Models for Word Prediction An Exponential Approach 2015-16 NLP [sociallocker][/sociallocker]
35. GNLP00035 Mobile Cloud Support for Semantic-enriched Speech Recognition in Social Care 2015-16 NLP [sociallocker][/sociallocker]
36. GNLP00036 Detecting Predatory Behaviour in Game Chats 2015-16 NLP [sociallocker][/sociallocker]
37. GNLP00037 Generating Petri Net-Based Behavioural Models From Textual Use Cases and Application in Railway Networks 2015-16 NLP [sociallocker][/sociallocker]
38. GNLP00038 GPstruct Bayesian Structured Prediction Using Gaussian Processes 2015-16 NLP [sociallocker][/sociallocker]
39. GNLP00039 Statistical Framework with Knowledge Base Integration for Robust Speech Understanding of the Tunisian Dialect 2015-16 NLP [sociallocker][/sociallocker]
40. GNLP00040 Guest Editorial Deep Learning for Multimedia Computing 2015-16 NLP [sociallocker][/sociallocker]
41. GNLP00041 Finding Complex Features for Guest Language Fragment Recovery in Resource-Limited Code-Mixed Speech Recognition 2015-16 NLP [sociallocker][/sociallocker]
42. GNLP00042 An Unsupervised Graph Based Continuous Word Representation Method for Biomedical Text Mining 2015-16 NLP [sociallocker][/sociallocker]
43. GNLP00043 TaxoFinder: A Graph-based Approach for Taxonomy Learning 2015-16 NLP [sociallocker][/sociallocker]
44. GNLP00044 Improving Team’s Consistency of Understanding in Meetings 2015-16 NLP [sociallocker][/sociallocker]
45. GNLP00045 Diderot: a Domain-Specific Language for Portable Parallel Scientific Visualization and Image Analysis 2015-16 NLP [sociallocker][/sociallocker]
46. GNLP00046 Textual Affect Communication and Evocation Using
Abstract Generative Visuals
2015-16 NLP [sociallocker][/sociallocker]
47. GNLP00047 Learning the Multilingual Translation Representations for Question Retrieval in Community Question Answering via Non-negative Matrix Factorization 2015-16 NLP [sociallocker][/sociallocker]
48. GNLP00048 Semantics-enhanced Online Intellectual Capital Mining Service for Enterprise Customer Centres 2015-16 NLP [sociallocker][/sociallocker]
49. GNLP00049 Tweet Segmentation and Its Application to Named Entity Recognition 2015-16 NLP [sociallocker][/sociallocker]
50. GNLP00050 Recognition System for Home-Service-Related Sign Language Using Entropy-Based K-Means Algorithm and ABC-Based HMM 2015-16 NLP [sociallocker][/sociallocker]
51. GNLP00051 Extracting Biomedical Event with Dual Decomposition Integrating Word Embeddings 2015-16 NLP [sociallocker][/sociallocker]
52. GNLP00052 An Unsupervised Cross-Lingual Topic Model Framework for Sentiment Classification 2015-16 NLP
53. GNLP00053 An Unsupervised Cross-Lingual Topic Model Framework for Sentiment Classification 2015-16 NLP [sociallocker][/sociallocker]
54. GNLP00054 Combining Relevance Language Modelling and Clarity Measure for Extractive Speech Summarization 2015-16 NLP [sociallocker][/sociallocker]
55. GNLP00055 Two Efficient Lattice Rescoring Methods Using Recurrent Neural Network Language Models 2015-16 NLP [sociallocker][/sociallocker]
56. GNLP00056 Automatic Chinese Factual Question Generation 2015-16 NLP [sociallocker][/sociallocker]
57. GNLP00057 Automating Risk of Bias Assessment for Clinical Trials 2015-16 NLP [sociallocker][/sociallocker]
58. GNLP00058 Unsegmented Dialogue Act Annotation and Decoding With N-Gram Transducers 2015-16 NLP [sociallocker][/sociallocker]
59. GNLP00059 Automatic Expressive Opinion Sentence Generation for Enjoyable Conversational Systems 2015-16 NLP [sociallocker][/sociallocker]
60. GNLP00060 Disambiguating Discourse Connectives for Statistical Machine Translation 2015-16 NLP [sociallocker][/sociallocker]
61. GNLP00061 Mobile Cloud Support for Semantic-enriched Speech Recognition in Social Care 2015-16 NLP [sociallocker][/sociallocker]
62. GNLP00062 Online Algorithm for Robots to Learn Object Concepts and Language Model 2015-16 NLP [sociallocker][/sociallocker]
63. GNLP00063 Deep Sentence Embedding Using Long Short-Term Memory Networks: Analysis and Application to Information Retrieval 2015-16 NLP [sociallocker][/sociallocker]
64. GNLP00064 Spectral Dynamics Recovery for Enhanced Speech Intelligibility in Noise 2015-16 NLP [sociallocker][/sociallocker]
65. GNLP00065 Guest Editorial: Deep Learning for Multimedia Computing 2015-16 NLP [sociallocker][/sociallocker]
66. GNLP00066 Natural Listening over Headphones in Augmented Reality Using Adaptive Filtering Techniques 2015-16 NLP [sociallocker][/sociallocker]
67. GNLP00067 Deep Learning Framework with Confused Sub-Set Resolution Architecture for Automatic Arabic Discretization 2015-16 NLP [sociallocker][/sociallocker]
68. GNLP00068 Named Entity Disambiguation over Texts Written in the Portuguese or Spanish Languages 2015-16 NLP [sociallocker][/sociallocker]
69. GNLP00069 Forecasting Violent Extremist Cyber Recruitment 2015-16 NLP [sociallocker][/sociallocker]
70. GNLP00070 Semantics-enhanced Online Intellectual Capital Mining Service for Enterprise Customer Centres 2015-16 NLP [sociallocker][/sociallocker]
71. GNLP00071 SPIRIT A Tree Kernel-based Method for Topic Person Interaction Detection 2015-16 NLP [sociallocker][/sociallocker]
72. GNLP00072 Guidelines for Effective Usage of Text Highlighting Techniques 2015-16 NLP [sociallocker][/sociallocker]
73. GNLP00073 Exploiting Turn-Taking Temporal Evolution for Personality Trait Perception in dyadic Conversations 2015-16 NLP [sociallocker][/sociallocker]
74. GNLP00074 From Feedforward to Recurrent LSTM Neural Networks for Language Modelling 2015-16 NLP [sociallocker][/sociallocker]
75. GNLP00075 Syntactic and Semantic Features For Code-Switching Factored Language Models 2015-16 NLP [sociallocker][/sociallocker]
76. GNLP00076 Post-Filters to Modify the Modulation Spectrum for Statistical Parametric Speech Synthesis 2015-16 NLP [sociallocker][/sociallocker]
78. GNLP00078 A Joint Segmentation and Classification Framework for Sentence Level Sentiment Classification 2015-16 NLP [sociallocker][/sociallocker]
79. GNLP00079 Sentiment Embeddings with Applications to Sentiment Analysis 2015-16 NLP [sociallocker][/sociallocker]
80. GNLP00080 Textual Affect Communication and Evocation Using Abstract Generative Visuals 2015-16 NLP [sociallocker][/sociallocker]
81. GNLP00081 Foreground Speech Segmentation and Enhancement using Glottal Closure Instants and Mel Cepstral Coefficients 2015-16 NLP [sociallocker][/sociallocker]
82. GNLP00082 TimeLine Curator Interactive Authoring of Visual Timelines from Unstructured Text 2015-16 NLP [sociallocker][/sociallocker]
83. GNLP00083 Topic-Based Coherence Modelling for Statistical Machine Translation 2015-16 NLP [sociallocker][/sociallocker]
84. GNLP00084 RLIMS-P 2.0: A Generalizable Rule-Based Information Extraction System for Literature Mining of Protein Phosphorylation Information 2015-16 NLP [sociallocker][/sociallocker]
85. GNLP00085 Extracting Development Tasks to Navigate Software Documentation 2015-16 NLP [sociallocker][/sociallocker]
86. GNLP00086 Use of Natural Language Processing to Discover Evidence of Systems Thinking 2015-16 NLP [sociallocker][/sociallocker]
87. GNLP00087 A Computational Approach Based on Syntactic Levels of Language in Authorship Attribution 2015-16 NLP [sociallocker][/sociallocker]
88. GNLP00088 Visualizing Social Media Content with SentenTree 2015-16 NLP [sociallocker][/sociallocker]
89. GNLP00089 Supervised Detection and Unsupervised Discovery of Pronunciation Error Patterns for Computer-Assisted Language Learning 2015-16 NLP [sociallocker][/sociallocker]
90. GNLP00090 Use of Natural Language Processing to Discover Evidence of Systems Thinking 2015-16 NLP [sociallocker][/sociallocker]
91. GNLP00091 Code-Switching Event Detection by Using a Latent Language Space Model and the Delta-Bayesian Information Criterion 2015-16 NLP [sociallocker][/sociallocker]
92. GNLP00092 A Probabilistic Framework for Representing Dialog Systems and Entropy-Based Dialog Management Through Dynamic Stochastic State Evolution 2015-16 NLP [sociallocker][/sociallocker]
93. GNLP00093 Improving Trajectory Modelling for DNN-Based Speech Synthesis by Using Stacked Bottleneck Features and Minimum Generation Error Training 2015-16 NLP [sociallocker][/sociallocker]
94. GNLP00094 Dual Sentiment Analysis: Considering Two Sides of One Review 2015-16 NLP [sociallocker][/sociallocker]
95. GNLP00095 Topic-Based Coherence Modelling for Statistical Machine Translation 2015-16 NLP [sociallocker][/sociallocker]
96. GNLP00096 An Improved Framework for Recognizing Highly Imbalanced Bilingual Code-Switched Lectures with Cross-Language Acoustic Modelling and Frame-Level Language Identification 2015-16 NLP [sociallocker][/sociallocker]
97. GNLP00097 Constrained Markov Bayesian Polynomial for Efficient Dialogue State Tracking 2015-16 NLP [sociallocker][/sociallocker]
98. GNLP00098 Text Search of Surnames in Some Slavic and Other Morphologically Rich Languages Using Rule Based Phonetic Algorithms 2015-16 NLP [sociallocker][/sociallocker]
99. GNLP00099 CLOpinionMiner: Opinion Target Extraction in a Cross-Language Scenario 2015-16 NLP [sociallocker][/sociallocker]
100. GNLP000100 Learning the Multilingual Translation Representations for Question Retrieval in Community Question Answering via Non-Negative Matrix Factorization 2015-16 NLP [sociallocker][/sociallocker]
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