Sr. No. |
Paper ID |
Paper Title |
Year |
Domain |
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1. |
GIM00001 |
A CU-level Rate and Distortion Estimation Scheme for RDO of Hardware-friendly HEVC Encoders Using Low-Complexity Integer DCTs |
2016-17 |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
2. |
GIM00002 |
A Non-Local Low-Rank Approach to Enforce Integrability |
2016-17 |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
3. |
GIM00003 |
A Unified Framework for Salient Structure Detection by Contour-Guided Visual Search |
2016-17 |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
4. |
GIM00004 |
Connected Component Model for Multi-Object Tracking |
2016-17 |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
5. |
GIM00005 |
Contour Completion without Region Segmentation |
2016-17 |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
6. |
GIM00006 |
Correlated Logistic Model with Elastic Net Regularization for Multilabel Image Classification |
2016-17 |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
7. |
GIM00007 |
Deep Saliency Multi-Task Deep Neural Network Model for Salient Object Detection |
2016-17 |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
8. |
GIM00008 |
Demosaicing based on Directional Difference Regression and Efficient Regression Priors |
2016-17 |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
9. |
GIM00009 |
Improving Intra Prediction in High Efficiency Video Coding |
2016-17 |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
10. |
GIM00010 |
Inter-Layer Prediction of Color in High Dynamic Range Image Scalable Compression |
2016-17 |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
11. |
GIM00011 |
Iterative Refinement of Possibility Distributions by Learning for Pixel-Based Classification |
2016-17 |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
12. |
GIM00012 |
Joint Segmentation and Deconvolution of Ultrasound Images Using a Hierarchical Bayesian Model based on Generalized Gaussian Prio |
2016-17 |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
13. |
GIM00013 |
Just Noticeable Difference Estimation for Screen Content Images |
2016-17 |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
14. |
GIM00014 |
Learning Discriminatively Reconstructed Source Data for Object Recognition with Few Example |
2016-17 |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
15. |
GIM00015 |
Merge Frame Design for Video Stream Switching Using Piecewise Constant Functions |
2016-17 |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
16. |
GIM00016 |
Multi-view Object Extraction with Fractional Boundaries |
2016-17 |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
17. |
GIM00017 |
Noise Power Spectrum Measurements in Digital Imaging with Gain Non uniformity Corrections |
2016-17 |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
18. |
GIM00018 |
Occlusion-Aware Fragment-based Tracking with Spatial-Temporal Consistency |
2016-17 |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
19. |
GIM00019 |
Online Deformable Object Tracking Based on Structure-Aware Hyper-graph |
2016-17 |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
20. |
GIM00020 |
Sparse Representation Based Image Quality Index with Adaptive Sub-Dictionaries |
2016-17 |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
21. |
GIM00021 |
Super-Resolution of Dynamic Scenes using Sampling Rate Diversity |
2016-17 |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
22. |
GIM00022 |
Towards a No-Reference Image Quality Assessment Using Statistics of Perceptual Colour Descriptors |
2016-17 |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
23. |
GIM00023 |
Generalized Coupled Dictionary Learning Approach with Applications to Cross-modal Matching |
2016-17 |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
24. |
GIM00024 |
Fast Multispectral Imaging by Spatial Pixel-Binning and Spectral Un mixing |
2016-17 |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
25. |
GIM00025 |
Effective decompression of JPEG document images |
2016-17 |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
26. |
GIM00026 |
Dual Diversified Dynamical Gaussian Process Latent Variable Model for Video Repairing |
2016-17 |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
27. |
GIM00027 |
Dimension Reduction with Extreme Learning Machine |
2016-17 |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
28. |
GIM00028 |
4D Ultrasound Tracking of Liver and its Verification for TIPS Guidance |
2016-17 |
Medical image processing |
29. |
GIM00029 |
Automatic Detection of Cerebral Micro bleeds from MR Images via 3D Convolutional Neural Networks |
2016-17 |
Medical image processing |
30. |
GIM00030 |
Automatic segmentation of MR brain images with a convolutional neural network |
2016-17 |
Medical image processing |
31. |
GIM00031 |
Brain Tumor Segmentation using Convolutional Neural Networks in MRI Images |
2016-17 |
Medical image processing |
32. |
GIM00032 |
Convolutional Neural Networks for Medical Image Analysis Fine Tuning or Full Training |
2016-17 |
Medical image processing |
33. |
GIM00033 |
Deep 3D Convolutional Encoder Networks with Shortcuts for Multiscale Feature Integration Applied to Multiple Sclerosis Lesion Segmentation |
2016-17 |
Medical image processing |
34. |
GIM00034 |
Fast convolutional neural network training using selective data sampling Application to haemorrhage detection in color fundus images |
2016-17 |
Medical image processing |
35. |
GIM00035. |
Joint Reconstruction of Multiple Images and Motion in MRI Application to Free-Breathing Myocardial T2 Quantification |
2016-17 |
Medical image processing |
36. |
GIM00036 |
Locality Sensitive Deep Learning for Detection and Classification of Nuclei in Routine Colon Cancer Histology Images |
2016-17 |
Medical image processing |
37. |
GIM00037 |
Numerical inversion of a broken ray transform arising in single scattering optical tomography |
2016-17 |
Medical image processing |
38. |
GIM00038 |
Pulmonary Fissure Detection in CT Images Using a Derivative of Stick Filter |
2016-17 |
Medical image processing |
39. |
GIM00039 |
Robust Cell Detection of Histopathological Brain Tumor Images Using Sparse Reconstruction and Adaptive Dictionary Selection |
2016-17 |
Medical image processing |
40. |
GIM00040 |
Unsupervised deep learning applied to breast density segmentation and mammographic risk scoring |
2016-17 |
Medical image processing |
41. |
GIM00041 |
A Methodology for Visually Lossless JPEG2000 Compression of Monochrome Stereo Images |
2015-16 |
Image Processing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
42. |
GIM00042 |
A Probabilistic Approach for Color Correction in Image Mosaicking Applications |
2015-16 |
Image Processing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
43. |
GIM00043 |
Automatic Face Naming by Learning Discriminative Affinity Matrices From Weakly Labeled Images |
2015-16 |
Image Processing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
44. |
GIM00044 |
Semantic-Improved Color Imaging Applications: It Is All About Context |
2015-16 |
Image Processing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
45. |
GIM00045 |
Contextual Online Learning for Multimedia Content Aggregation |
2015-16 |
Image Processing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
46. |
GIM00046 |
Geolocalized Modeling for Dish Recognition |
2015-16 |
Image Processing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
47. |
GIM00047 |
Learning to Rank Image Tags with Limited Training Examples |
2015-16 |
Image Processing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
48. |
GIM00048 |
Multiview Alignment Hashing for Efficient Image Search |
2015-16 |
Image Processing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
49. |
GIM00049 |
Revealing the Trace of High-Quality JPEG Compression Through Quantization Noise Analysis |
2015-16 |
Image Processing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
50. |
GIM00050 |
RRW – A Robust and Reversible Watermarking sTechnique for Relational Data |
2015-16 |
Image Processing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
51. |
GIM00051 |
Saliency-based color accessibility |
2015-16 |
Image Processing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
52. |
GIM00052 |
Vector Sparse Representation of Color Image Using Quaternion Matrix Analysis |
2015-16 |
Image Processing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
53. |
GIM00053 |
YouTube Video Promotion by Cross-network Association: @Britney to Advertise gangnam style |
2015-16 |
Image Processing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
54. |
GIM00054 |
An Attribute-assisted Reranking Model for Web Image Search |
2015-16 |
Image Processing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
55. |
GIM00055 |
Detection and Rectification of Distorted Fingerprints |
2015-16 |
Image Processing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
56. |
GIM00056 |
Learning to Rank Image Tags with Limited Training Examples |
2015-16 |
Image Processing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
57. |
GIM00057 |
RRW – A Robust and Reversible Watermarking Technique for Relational Data |
2015-16 |
Image Processing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
58. |
GIM00058 |
Single Image Super-Resolution Based on Gradient Profile Sharpness |
2015-16 |
Image Processing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
59. |
GIM00059 |
Steganography Using Reversible Texture Synthesis |
2015-16 |
Image Processing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
60. |
GIM00060 |
Click Prediction for Web Image Reranking Using Multimodal Sparse Coding |
2015-16 |
Image Processing |
61. |
GIM00061 |
Designing an Efficient Image Encryption-Then-Compression System via Prediction Error Clustering and Random Permutation |
2015-16 |
Image Processing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
62. |
GIM00062 |
Local Directional Number Pattern for Face Analysis: Face and Expression Recognition. |
2015-16 |
Image Processing |
63. |
GIM00063 |
Reversible Watermarking Based on Invariant Image Classification and Dynamic Histogram Shifting. |
2015-16 |
Image Processing |
64. |
GIM00064 |
Reversible Data Hiding with Optimal Value Transfer. |
2015-16 |
Image Processing |
65. |
GIM00065 |
Query-Adaptive Image Search with Hash Codes. |
2015-16 |
Image Processing |
66. |
GIM00067 |
An Adaptive Cloud Downloading Service. |
2015-16 |
Image Processing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
67. |
GIM00068 |
Understanding the External Links of Video Sharing Sites Measurement and Analysis. |
2015-16 |
Image Processing |
68. |
GIM00069 |
Circular Reranking for Visual Search. |
2015-16 |
Image Processing |
69. |
GIM00070 |
Super-Resolution-based in painting. |
2015-16 |
Image Processing |
70. |
GIM00071 |
Beyond Text QA: Multimedia Answer Generation by Harvesting Web Information. |
2015-16 |
Image Processing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
71. |
GIM00072 |
Scalable Face Image Retrieval using Attribute-Enhanced Sparse Code words. |
2015-16 |
Image Processing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
72. |
GIM00073 |
Bootstrapping Visual Categorization with Relevant Negatives |
2015-16 |
Image Processing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
73. |
GIM00074 |
An extended visual cryptography scheme without pixel expansion for halftone images |
2015-16 |
Image Processing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
74. |
GIM00075 |
Image Authentication Using Stochastic Diffusion. |
2015-16 |
Image Processing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
75. |
GIM00076 |
Hierarchical Super-Resolution-Based in painting. |
2015-16 |
Image Processing |
76. |
GIM00077 |
Perceptual Video Coding Based on SSIM-Inspired Divisive Normalization. |
2015-16 |
Image Processing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
77. |
GIM00078 |
Visual Object Tracking Based on Local Steering Kernels and Color Histograms. |
2015-16 |
Image Processing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
78. |
GIM00079 |
LLSURE: Local Linear SURE-Based Edge-Preserving Image Filtering. |
2015-16 |
Image Processing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
79. |
GIM00080 |
Local Directional Number Pattern for Face Analysis Face and Expression Recognition |
2015-16 |
Image Processing |
80. |
GIM00081 |
Selecting a Reference High Resolution for Fingerprint Recognition Using Minutiae and Pores (2011). |
2015-16 |
Image Processing |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
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