Sr. No. |
Paper ID |
Paper Title |
Year |
Domain |
Download |
1. |
GDM00001 |
A Novel Recommendation Model Regularized with User Trust and Item Ratings |
2016-17 |
Data Mining |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
2. |
GDM00002 |
A Scalable Data Chunk Similarity based Compression Approach for Efficient Big Sensing Data Processing on Cloud |
2016-17 |
Data Mining |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
3. |
GDM00003 |
Access Time Oracle for Planar Graphs |
2016-17 |
Data Mining |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
4. |
GDM00004 |
Adapting to User Interest Drift for POI Recommendation |
2016-17 |
Data Mining |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
5. |
GDM00005 |
Aspect-level Influence Discovery from Graphs |
2016-17 |
Data Mining |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
6. |
GDM00006 |
ATD Anomalous Topic Discovery in High Dimensional Discrete Data |
2016-17 |
Data Mining |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
7. |
GDM00007 |
Automatic Clustering via Outward Statistical Testing on Density Metrics |
2016-17 |
Data Mining |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
8. |
GDM00008 |
Conflict-Aware Event-Participant Arrangement and Its Variant for Online Setting |
2016-17 |
Data Mining |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
9. |
GDM00009 |
Conflicts to Harmony a Framework for Resolving Conflicts in Heterogeneous Data by Truth Discovery |
2016-17 |
Data Mining |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
10. |
GDM00010 |
Contextual Operation for Recommender system |
2016-17 |
Data Mining |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
11. |
GDM00011 |
Correction to “Inference of Regular Expressions for Text Extraction from Examples” |
2016-17 |
Data Mining |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
12. |
GDM00012 |
Counting Triangles in Large Graphs by Random Sampling |
2016-17 |
Data Mining |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
13. |
GDM00013 |
Deep Learning of Transferable Representation for Scalable Domain Adaptation |
2016-17 |
Data Mining |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
14. |
GDM00014 |
Discovering Anomalies on Mixed-Type Data using a Generalized Student-t Based Approach |
2016-17 |
Data Mining |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
15. |
GDM00015 |
Discovering Team Structures in Soccer from Spatiotemporal Data |
2016-17 |
Data Mining |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
16. |
GDM00016 |
Discovering the k Representative Skyline over a Sliding Window |
2016-17 |
Data Mining |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
17. |
GDM00017 |
Discriminative Link Prediction using Local, Community and Global Signals |
2016-17 |
Data Mining |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
18. |
GDM00018 |
Distributed Anomaly Detection using Minimum Volume Elliptical Principal Component Analysis |
2016-17 |
Data Mining |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
19. |
GDM00019 |
D-Toss A Distributed Throwaway Spatial Index Structure for Dynamic Location Data |
2016-17 |
Data Mining |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
20. |
GDM00020 |
Efficient Identification of Local Keyword Patterns in Microblogging Platforms |
2016-17 |
Data Mining |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
21. |
GDM00021 |
Efficient Metric Indexing for Similarity Search and Similarity Joins |
2016-17 |
Data Mining |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
22. |
GDM00022 |
Efficient R-Tree Based Indexing Scheme for Server-Centric Cloud Storage System |
2016-17 |
Data Mining |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
23. |
GDM00023 |
Entropy Optimized Feature-based Bag-of-Words Representation for Information Retrieval |
2016-17 |
Data Mining |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
24. |
GDM00024 |
Enumeration of Maximal Cliques from an Uncertain Graph |
2016-17 |
Data Mining |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
25. |
GDM00025 |
Explaining Missing Answers to Top-k SQL Queries |
2016-17 |
Data Mining |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
26. |
GDM00026 |
Exploiting Single-Threaded Model in Multi-Core In-memory Systems |
2016-17 |
Data Mining |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
27. |
GDM00027 |
Exploiting Spatio-Temporal Diversity for Water Saving in Geo-Distributed Data Centers |
2016-17 |
Data Mining |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
28. |
GDM00028 |
Aggregating Crowdsourced Quantitative Claims Additive and Multiplicative Models |
2016-17 |
Data Mining |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
29. |
GDM00029 |
Improved Practical Matrix Sketching with Guarantees |
2016-17 |
Data Mining |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
30 |
GDM00030 |
Improving Construction of Conditional Probability Tables for Ranked Nodes in Bayesian Networks |
2016-17 |
Data Mining |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
31 |
GDM00031 |
Incremental and Decremental Max-flow for Online Semi-Supervised Learning |
2016-17 |
Data Mining |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
32 |
GDM00032 |
Incremental evolving domain adaptation |
2016-17 |
Data Mining |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
33. |
GDM00033 |
Inverted Linear Quad Tree Efficient Top K Spatial Keyword Search |
2016-17 |
Data Mining |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
34. |
GDM00034 |
K-Subspaces Quantization for Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search |
2016-17 |
Data Mining |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
35. |
GDM00035 |
Label Distribution Learning |
2016-17 |
Data Mining |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
36. |
GDM00036 |
List wise Learning to Rank by Exploring Structure of Objects |
2016-17 |
Data Mining |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
37. |
GDM00037 |
MAVE Multilevel Wrapper Verification system |
2016-17 |
Data Mining |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
38. |
GDM00038 |
Microblog Dimensionality Reduction– A Deep Learning Approach |
2016-17 |
Data Mining |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
39. |
GDM00039 |
Microblogging Content Propagation Modeling Using Topic-specific Behavioral Factors |
2016-17 |
Data Mining |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
40. |
GDM00040 |
Mining Health Examination Records— A Graph-based Approach |
2016-17 |
Data Mining |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
41. |
GDM00041 |
Mining User-Aware Rare Sequential Topic Patterns in Document Streams |
2016-17 |
Data Mining |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
42. |
GDM00042 |
ML-FOREST A Multi-Label Tree Ensemble Method for Multi-Label Classification |
2016-17 |
Data Mining |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
43. |
GDM00043 |
Multi label Classification via Co-evolutionary Multi label Hyper network |
2016-17 |
Data Mining |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
44. |
GDM00044 |
OMASS One Memory Access Set Separation |
2016-17 |
Data Mining |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
45. |
GDM00045 |
On Learning of Choice Models with Interactive Attributes |
2016-17 |
Data Mining |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
46. |
GDM00046 |
Online Learning from Trapezoidal Data Streams |
2016-17 |
Data Mining |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
47. |
GDM00047 |
Online Subgraph Skyline Analysis Over Knowledge Graphs |
2016-17 |
Data Mining |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
48. |
GDM00048 |
Personalized Influential Topic Search via Social Network Summarization |
2016-17 |
Data Mining |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
49. |
GDM00049 |
PINODMHIO Probabilistic Influence-based Location Selection over Moving Objects |
2016-17 |
Data Mining |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
50. |
GDM00050 |
Prefix-adaptive and Time-sensitive Personalized Query Auto Completion |
2016-17 |
Data Mining |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
51. |
GDM00051 |
PRIGUARD A Semantic Approach to Detect Privacy Violations in Online Social Networks |
2016-17 |
Data Mining |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
52. |
GDM00052 |
Private Over-Threshold Aggregation Protocols over Distributed Datasets |
2016-17 |
Data Mining |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
53. |
GDM00053 |
Quantifying Political Leaning from Tweets, Retweets, and Retweeters |
2016-17 |
Data Mining |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
54. |
GDM00054 |
Resolving Multi-Party Privacy Conflicts in Social Media |
2016-17 |
Data Mining |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
55. |
GDM00055 |
Robust Median Reversion Strategy for Online Portfolio Selection |
2016-17 |
Data Mining |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
56. |
GDM00056 |
Scalable Semi-Supervised Learning by Efficient Anchor Graph Regularization |
2016-17 |
Data Mining |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
57. |
GDM00057 |
SEDEX Scalable Entity Preserving Data Exchange |
2016-17 |
Data Mining |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
58. |
GDM00058 |
Set matching measures for external cluster validity |
2016-17 |
Data Mining |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
59. |
GDM00059 |
SPIRIT A Tree Kernel-based Method for Topic Person Interaction Detection |
2016-17 |
Data Mining |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
60. |
GDM00060 |
Spotting Suspicious Behaviors in Multimodal Data a General Metric and Algorithms |
2016-17 |
Data Mining |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
61. |
GDM00061 |
Stock Selection with a Novel Sigmoid-based Mixed Discrete-Continuous Differential Evolution Algorithm |
2016-17 |
Data Mining |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
62. |
GDM00062 |
Task Assignment on Multi-Skill Oriented Spatial Crowdsourcing |
2016-17 |
Data Mining |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
63. |
GDM00063 |
Top k Favorite Probabilistic Products Queries |
2016-17 |
Data Mining |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
64. |
GDM00064 |
Queue-Aware Energy-Efficient Joint Remote Radio Head Activation and Beamforming in Cloud Radio Access Networks |
2016-17 |
Data Mining |
65. |
GDM00065 |
Toward Optimal Feature Selection in Naive Bayes for Text Categorization |
2016-17 |
Data Mining |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
66. |
GDM00066 |
Understand Short Texts by Harvesting and Analyzing Semantic Knowledge |
2016-17 |
Data Mining |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
67. |
GDM00067 |
Unsupervised Visual Hashing with Semantic Assistant for Content-based Image Retrieval |
2016-17 |
Data Mining |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
68. |
GDM00068 |
User Preference Learning for Online Social Recommendation |
2016-17 |
Data Mining |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
69. |
GDM00069 |
Using Hashtag Graph-based Topic Model to Connect Semantically-related Words without Co-oD Murrence in Microblogs |
2016-17 |
Data Mining |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
70. |
GDM00070 |
A Highly Accurate Prediction Algorithm for Unknown Web Service QoS Values |
2015-16 |
Data Mining |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
71. |
GDM00071 |
Anonymizing Collections of Tree-Structured Data |
2015-16 |
Data Mining |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
72. |
GDM00072 |
Automatic Group Happiness Intensity Analysis |
2015-16 |
Data Mining |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
73. |
GDM00073 |
Diversifying Web Service Recommendation Results via Exploring Service Usage History |
2015-16 |
Data Mining |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
74. |
GDM00074 |
EMR: A Scalable Graph-based Ranking Model for Content-based Image Retrieval |
2015-16 |
Data Mining |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
75. |
GDM00075 |
FOCS: Fast Overlapped Community Search |
2015-16 |
Data Mining |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
76. |
GDM00076 |
Location-Aware and Personalized Collaborative Filtering for Web Service Recommendation |
2015-16 |
Data Mining |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
77. |
GDM00077 |
Making Digital Artifacts on the Web Verifiable and Reliable |
2015-16 |
Data Mining |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
78. |
GDM00078 |
Privacy Policy Inference of User-Uploaded Images on Content Sharing Sites |
2015-16 |
Data Mining |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
79. |
GDM00079 |
Sparsity Learning Formulations for Mining Time-Varying Data |
2015-16 |
Data Mining |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
80. |
GDM00080 |
Structured Learning from Heterogeneous Behavior for Social Identity Linkage |
2015-16 |
Data Mining |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
81. |
GDM00081 |
Subgraph Matching with Set Similarity in a Large Graph Database |
2015-16 |
Data Mining |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
82. |
GDM00082 |
The Impact of View Histories on Edit Recommendations |
2015-16 |
Data Mining |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
83. |
GDM00083 |
Tweet Segmentation and Its Application to Named Entity Recognition |
2015-16 |
Data Mining |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
84. |
GDM00084 |
PAGE: A Partition Aware Engine for Parallel Graph Computation |
2015-16 |
Data Mining |
85. |
GDM00085 |
Query Aware Determination of Uncertain Objects |
2015-16 |
Data Mining |
86. |
GDM00086 |
RRW – A Robust and Reversible Watermarking Technique for Relational Data |
2015-16 |
Data Mining |
87. |
GDM00087 |
Rule-Based Method for Entity Resolution |
2015-16 |
Data Mining |
88. |
GDM00088 |
k-Nearest Neighbor Classification over Semantically Secure Encrypted Relational Data |
2015-16 |
Data Mining |
89. |
GDM00089 |
Towards Effective Bug Triage with Software Data Reduction Techniques |
2015-16 |
Data Mining |
90. |
GDM00090 |
A Cocktail Approach for Travel Package Recommendation |
2015-16 |
Data Mining |
91. |
GDM00091 |
Accuracy-Constrained Privacy-Preserving Access Control Mechanism for Relational Data |
2015-16 |
Data Mining |
92. |
GDM00092 |
Best Peer++: A Peer-to-Peer Based Large-Scale Data Processing Platform |
2015-16 |
Data Mining |
93. |
GDM00093 |
Data Mining with Big Data |
2015-16 |
Data Mining |
94. |
GDM00094 |
Dealing with Concept Drifts in Process Mining |
2015-16 |
Data Mining |
95. |
GDM00095 |
Discovering Emerging Topics in Social Streams via Link-Anomaly Detection |
2015-16 |
Data Mining |
96. |
GDM00096 |
Efficient Prediction of Difficult Keyword Queries over Databases |
2015-16 |
Data Mining |
97. |
GDM00097 |
Facilitating Document Annotation Using Content and Querying Value |
2015-16 |
Data Mining |
98. |
GDM00098 |
Fast Nearest Neighbor Search with Keywords |
2015-16 |
Data Mining |
99. |
GDM00099 |
Keyword Query Routing |
2015-16 |
Data Mining |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
100. |
GDM00100 |
Privacy-Preserving and Content-Protecting Location Based Queries |
2015-16 |
Data Mining |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
101. |
GDM00101 |
Security Evaluation of Pattern Classifiers under Attack |
2015-16 |
Data Mining |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
102. |
GDM00102 |
Supporting Privacy Protection in Personalized Web Search |
2015-16 |
Data Mining |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
103. |
GDM00103 |
Towards Online Shortest Path Computation |
2015-16 |
Data Mining |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
104. |
GDM00104 |
An Empirical Performance Evaluation of Relational Keyword Search Techniques |
2015-16 |
Data Mining |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
105. |
GDM00105 |
LARS*: An Efficient and Scalable Location-Aware Recommender System |
2015-16 |
Data Mining |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
106. |
GDM00106 |
Product Aspect Ranking and Its Applications |
2015-16 |
Data Mining |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
107. |
GDM00107 |
Secure Mining of Association Rules in Horizontally Distributed Databases |
2015-16 |
Data Mining |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
108. |
GDM00108 |
Supporting Privacy Protection in Personalized Web Search |
2015-16 |
Data Mining |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
109. |
GDM00109 |
Trusted DB: A Trusted Hardware-Based Database with Privacy and Data Confidentiality |
2015-16 |
Data Mining |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
110. |
GDM00110 |
Typicality-Based Collaborative Filtering Recommendation |
2015-16 |
Data Mining |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
111. |
GDM00111 |
A Survey of XML Tree Patterns. |
2015-16 |
Data Mining |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
112. |
GDM00112 |
Dynamic Personalized Recommendation on Sparse Data |
2015-16 |
Data Mining |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
113. |
GDM00113 |
Mining User Queries with Markov Chains: Application to Online Image Retrieval. |
2015-16 |
Data Mining |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
114. |
GDM00114 |
Trusted DB: A Trusted Hardware based Database with Privacy and Data Confidentiality. |
2015-16 |
Data Mining |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
116. |
GDM00116 |
Secure Mining of Association Rules in Horizontally Distributed Databases. |
2015-16 |
Data Mining |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
117. |
GDM00117 |
Supporting Search-As-You-Type Using SQL in Databases. |
2015-16 |
Data Mining |
118. |
GDM00118 |
A Proxy-Based Approach to Continuous Location- Based Spatial Queries in Mobile Environments. |
2015-16 |
Data Mining |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
119. |
GDM00119 |
Tweet Analysis for Real-Time Event Detection and Earthquake Reporting System Development. |
2015-16 |
Data Mining |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
120. |
GDM00120 |
Protecting Sensitive Labels in Social Network Data Anonymization. |
2015-16 |
Data Mining |
121. |
GDM00121 |
M-Privacy for Collaborative Data Publishing. |
2015-16 |
Data Mining |
122. |
GDM00122 |
Processing of Probabilistic Top-k Queries in Wireless Sensor Networks. |
2015-16 |
Data Mining |
123. |
GDM00123 |
Anomaly Detection via Online Over-Sampling Principal Component Analysis. |
2015-16 |
Data Mining |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
124. |
GDM00124 |
Annotating Search Results from Web Databases. |
2015-16 |
Data Mining |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
125. |
GDM00125 |
A New Algorithm for Inferring User Search Goals with Feedback Sessions. |
2015-16 |
Data Mining |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
126. |
GDM00126 |
A Fast Clustering-Based Feature Subset Selection Algorithm for High-Dimensional Data. |
2015-16 |
Data Mining |
127. |
GDM00127 |
A Method for Mining Infrequent Causal Associations and Its Application in Finding Adverse Drug Reaction Signal Pairs. |
2015-16 |
Data Mining |
128. |
GDM00128 |
Clustering Sentence-Level Text Using a Novel Fuzzy Relational Clustering Algorithm. |
2015-16 |
Data Mining |
129. |
GDM00129 |
Two tales of privacy in online social networks. |
2015-16 |
Data Mining |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
130. |
GDM00130 |
Crowdsourcing Predictors of Behavioral Outcomes. |
2015-16 |
Data Mining |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
131. |
GDM00131 |
Facilitating Document Annotation using Content and Querying Value. |
2015-16 |
Data Mining |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
132. |
GDM00132 |
A Generalized Flow-Based Method for Analysis of Implicit Relationships on Wikipedia. |
2015-16 |
Data Mining |
133. |
GDM00133 |
A System to Filter Unwanted Messages from OSN User Walls. |
2015-16 |
Data Mining |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
134. |
GDM00134 |
Anonymization of Centralized and Distributed Social Networks by Sequential Clustering. |
2015-16 |
Data Mining |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
135. |
GDM00135 |
Intrusion Detection Technique by using K-means, Fuzzy Neural Network and SVM classifiers. |
2015-16 |
Data Mining |
136. |
GDM00136 |
CloudMoV: Cloud-based Mobile Social TV |
2015-16 |
Data Mining |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
137. |
GDM00137 |
Fairness-aware and Privacy-Preserving Friend Matching Protocol in Mobile Social Networks |
2015-16 |
Data Mining |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
138. |
GDM00138 |
m-Privacy for Collaborative Data Publishing |
2015-16 |
Data Mining |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
139. |
GDM00139 |
Spatial Approximate String Search |
2015-16 |
Data Mining |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
140. |
GDM00140 |
Incentive Compatible Privacy-Preserving Data Analysis |
2015-16 |
Data Mining |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
141. |
GDM00141 |
FoCUS Learning to Crawl Web Forums |
2015-16 |
Data Mining |
142. |
GDM00142 |
2015-16 |
Data Mining |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
143. |
GDM00143 |
A Probabilistic Approach to String Transformation |
2015-16 |
Data Mining |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
144. |
GDM00144 |
Comparable Entity Mining from Comparative Questions |
2015-16 |
Data Mining |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
145. |
GDM00145 |
Facilitating Effective User Navigation through Website Structure Improvement |
2015-16 |
Data Mining |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
146. |
GDM00146 |
PMSE A Personalized Mobile Search Engine |
2015-16 |
Data Mining |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
147. |
GDM00147 |
Anomaly Detection via Online Oversampling Principal Component Analysis |
2015-16 |
Data Mining |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
148. |
GDM00148 |
A Data-Mining Model for Protection of FACTS-Based Transmission Line |
2015-16 |
Data Mining |
149. |
GDM00149 |
Sensitive Label Privacy Protection on Social Network Data |
2015-16 |
Data Mining |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
150. |
GDM00150 |
Preventing Private Information Inference Attacks on Social Networks |
2015-16 |
Data Mining |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
151. |
GDM00151 |
Privacy against Aggregate Knowledge Attacks |
2015-16 |
Data Mining |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
152. |
GDM00152 |
Ranking on Data Manifold with Sink Points |
2015-16 |
Data Mining |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
153. |
GDM00153 |
Sybil Defender Defend Against Sybil Attacks in Large Social Networks |
2015-16 |
Data Mining |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
154. |
GDM00154 |
A Methodology for Direct and Indirect Discrimination Prevention in Data Mining |
2015-16 |
Data Mining |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
155. |
GDM00155 |
Privacy-preserving Mining of Association Rules from Outsourced Transaction Databases |
2015-16 |
Data Mining |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
156. |
GDM00156 |
Improving Security and Efficiency in Attribute-Based Data Sharing |
2015-16 |
Data Mining |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
157. |
GDM00157 |
Efficient Algorithms for Mining High Utility Item sets from Transactional Databases |
2015-16 |
Data Mining |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
158. |
GDM00158 |
User Action Interpretation for Online Content Optimization |
2015-16 |
Data Mining |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
159. |
GDM00159 |
Dynamic Query Forms for Database Queries |
2015-16 |
Data Mining |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
160. |
GDM00160 |
Co-Occurrence-Based Diffusion for Expert Search on the Web |
2015-16 |
Data Mining |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
161. |
GDM00161 |
Spatial Query Integrity with Voronoi Neighbors |
2015-16 |
Data Mining |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
162. |
GDM00162 |
Anomaly Detection Approach Using Hidden Markov Model |
2015-16 |
Data Mining |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
163. |
GDM00163 |
Efficient Evaluation of SUM Queries over Probabilistic Data |
2015-16 |
Data Mining |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
164. |
GDM00164 |
Learning Regularized, Query-dependent Bilinear Similarities for Large Scale Image Retrieval |
2015-16 |
Data Mining |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
165. |
GDM00165 |
Evaluating the Vulnerability of Network Mechanisms to Sophisticated DDoS Attacks (2008) |
2015-16 |
Data Mining |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
166. |
GDM00166 |
Online Search and Buying Behavior in Consumer Markets |
2015-16 |
Data Mining |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
167. |
GDM00167 |
Mining User Queries with Markov Chains Application to Online Image Retrieval |
2015-16 |
Data Mining |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
168. |
GDM00168 |
Optimal Client-Server Assignment for Internet Distributed Systems |
2015-16 |
Data Mining |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
169. |
GDM00169 |
Personalized QoS-Aware Web Service Recommendation and Visualization |
2015-16 |
Data Mining |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
170. |
GDM00170 |
Ginix Generalized Inverted Index for Keyword Search |
2015-16 |
Data Mining |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
171. |
GDM00171 |
ELCA: Evaluation for Keyword Search on Probabilistic XML Data |
2015-16 |
Data Mining |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
172. |
GDM00172 |
SUSIE Search using services and information extraction |
2015-16 |
Data Mining |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
173. |
GDM00173 |
Mining Order-Preserving Submatrices from Data with Repeated Measurements |
2015-16 |
Data Mining |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
174. |
GDM00174 |
Gmatch Secure and Privacy-Preserving Group Matching in Social Networks |
2015-16 |
Data Mining |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
175. |
GDM00175 |
Cost-Based Optimization of Service Compositions |
2015-16 |
Data Mining |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
176. |
GDM00176 |
SeDas A Self-Destructing Data System Based on Active Storage Framework |
2015-16 |
Data Mining |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
177. |
GDM00177 |
A Decentralized Privacy Preserving Reputation Protocol for the Malicious Adversarial Model |
2015-16 |
Data Mining |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
178. |
GDM00178 |
Anonymization of Centralized and Distributed Social Networks by Sequential Clustering |
2015-16 |
Data Mining |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
179. |
GDM00179 |
Automatic Extraction of Top-k Lists from the Web |
2015-16 |
Data Mining |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
180. |
GDM00180 |
Constructing a Global Social Service Network for Better Quality of Web Service Discovery |
2015-16 |
Data Mining |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
181. |
GDM00181 |
Constructing E-Tourism Platform Based on Service Value Broker a Knowledge Management Perspective |
2015-16 |
Data Mining |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
182. |
GDM00182 |
Exploring the Impact of Information System Introduction, The Case of an Australian Hospital Emergency Department |
2015-16 |
Data Mining |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
183. |
GDM00183 |
Achieving Data Privacy through Secrecy Views and Null-Based Virtual Updates |
2015-16 |
Data Mining |
[sociallocker][/sociallocker] |
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